Last updated: 7/3/05
For large pictures and detailed descriptions, go to the
Riff Props & Details Page by clicking on the links.
Time Warp:
- Bald wig with blond hair glued on.
Hair should be sort of thin, and not all cut off neatly the same length. Riff's hair is stringy and dirty-looking; you may want to grease the hair with gel or lotion. If your Riff wig has beautiful, silky hair, you need to fix it.
Black ripped tailcoat.
- Hump.
Use wadded up cloth or small pillow safety-pinned or sewn
into the coat. Pins comes undone easily and may tear your
jacket. You can also sew a belt onto
the jacket back which can then be fastened around the hump. A fabric
belt with a sliding buckle (not a traditional prong-type belt) will
probably be easiest.
- Bloodstained backless low-cut white pique tuxedo vest (waistcoat) with narrow lapels.
Not satin; the pique detail was pointed out by Shawn Anthony and is easily visible on the 2004 Mick Rock calendar. 3 buttonholes; only one button (white plastic) is fastened. Which
button varies by scene. Bottom of left side of waistcoat is frayed. The
largest bloodstains are on Riff's right side: there is a horizontal bloodstain
with a slight drip below the waistline, and a long vertical bloodstain above it. A red marker works.
- Half-finger leather black gloves with mesh backs (use biking or weightlifting gloves).
There are two wide parallel holes on the left one: one on the back of the hand, one nearer the fingers.
- Bloody rag (white, dishtowel sized).
Kept in left inner pocket of tux jacket.
- Green wine bottle with gold label and clear goblet.
I suggest plastic for safety. Try modifying a green 1 liter bottle (wrong shape, but shatterproof). The goblet is a champagne bowl style. After you pour yourself a drink in the elevator, hand goblet to Frank in the lab.
- White suspenders.
The old-fashioned kind that look like an upside-down "Y" in front and button onto the inside of the trouser waistband.
- Tight black pants with white and black lacing on the legs.
The left leg is laced with white lacing about a third of the way to the knee (3 X-shaped stitches, bow at the top). The right leg is laced the same way with black lacing. Lace loosely so pantlegs flare a little.
- Black undies to save time in the Takeover scene.
- White spat.
Bloodstained on both sides. Wear on right boot. Military supply stores,
formalwear and costume shops sell spats. Cut the heel and toe off a white sock
if you can't find spats. No, I don't think there is a black spat on the
left boot. In the photos I've seen, the "spat" that people say they see looks
like part of the boot to me--no strap can be seen on the underside of Riff's
sole when Frank kicks him during Sword of Damocles. See the boots entry below for
more on this.
- Black boots.
The toes are quite pointed; medium tapered "cuban" heel (like a cowboy boot).
Mina Smith found boots with the spat-like pattern mentioned above as an
integral part of the top of the boot (it's called a "centre seam cut"); it's a
style the Beatles wore and the boot is available from sites that cater to
Beatles tribute bands. (See the
Links page.) This doesn't settle it, but it's very good
Scare the Monster:
- Bloody rag from Time Warp scene.
- Gold candelabrum with 13 white candles.
It stands on the floor with little feet at the end of the vertical stem. Leafy motif near the candles; twisted rope design on the stem. 6 candles in lower and middle tier; 1 candle in top tier. Electric candles can be used and candelabrum plugged into wall. Battery-powered candles can be bought around Christmas. Make sure they're secure; secure candles with poster tack or clay if you don't want to glue them.
- Space wig.
The hair can be made erect using liquid latex, spray starch or white glue with a metal wire support. Use a plastic banana on a wire for laughs. If you're using your own hair and it's the right length, hairspray is helpful but not necessary.
Good luck. The color photo from the RHPS Book is a MIRROR IMAGE. (The black and white photo is correct.) {For a good photo,
here, and check out the April 2005 Mick Rock calendar for a nice side view with a good view of the anklet/boots.}
- Full costume includes:
- quilted gold wraparound top with front and back "skirt" flaps (quilted in diagonal squares and rectangles, NOT JUST SQUARES) with double black vinyl fins, belt, black rectangular "buckle" with 4 vertical gold half-cylinders (beveled ends), and black lightning bolt pin (stitched on looks wrong).
- Chrome pitchfork spacegun.
Richard confirmed it was silver chrome on Rocky Radio on June 8, 1999. Of course, if you have the choice between silver spraypaint and gold spraypaint, gold will still look more natural. I've seen chrome spraypaint, but don't know how good it looks. - Silver gloves with black sleeves.
Sleeves are edged with thin border of gold lamé. You can buy gold binding tape, but it's hideously expensive; I recommend just hemming thin strips of lamé
- Spike-heel patent black ankle boots with silver-backed cuffs cut into points ("elf booties"). Riff's have at least five points; they curve out slightly.
You can make lamé-backed cuffs and velcro them over a pair of boots.
- Spiked gold anklet.
The anklet is gold with 3 rows of silver spikes arranged in a diamond pattern. 3/4" spikes look right. Make the anklet out of leather or upholstery from an auto shop. Worn on left ankle.
- Black undies, black stockings and garterbelt.